Physical Health is feeling good about and in your body and taking care of it.
There are three key components of Physical Health:
- Nourishment:
Optimal physical intakes and exposures in diet and environment - Movement:
Physical activity and exercise - Rest:
Sleep, relaxation, and rejuvenation
The well-being and potential of your mind, body, and physical environment are inextricably linked, while your healthspan is just as important as your lifespan.
Contemplative Sciences Center
Academic and extracurricular classes, workshops, and resources supporting mind-body health and well-being
IM-REC Sports Facilities
Numerous indoor and outdoor spaces across Grounds dedicated to fitness, competitive and recreational sports, outdoor adventure, exercise, and other physical activities and programming
Gordie Center Resources for Students
Education on hazing
Office of Health Promotion & Well-Being
Wide-ranging physical health services, including nutrition, one-on-one well-being consulting (WahooWell), Collegiate Recovery Program, Sexual Respect programming, and more
Student Health and Wellness Center
Newly upgraded and expanded home of Medical Services, the Office of Health Promotion, and flexible programming spaces for wellness related activities and opportunities.
Total Advising
Information on physical wellness resources on Grounds
Women’s Center
Counseling services, information, and resources supporting sexual health and safety, body positivity, nutrition, and more
Flourish App
A new mobile app for UVA students to track, schedule, and learn habits, practices, and other activities that support PHYSICAL HEALTH and the other Keys the Flourishing (under development from CSC)
Healthy Sleep
A collection of resources across Grounds supporting health sleep (compiled by the Office of Health Promotion)
Insight Timer Playlist: Sleeping Well
Guided meditations and contemplative practices supporting health sleep from award winning mobile app (UVA students have free access to the app’s premium content)
Social Health & Substances
A collection of resources across Grounds supporting healthy physical and social behaviors (compiled by the Office of Health Promotion)
The Teaching Kitchen
Home to Hoo’s Cooking nutrition education and culinary skills classes at the Student Health and Wellness Center
University of Flourishing
A vast online portal of information, audio and video resources, and virtual events for exploring the art and science of mind-body connection and well-being (under development from the Contemplative Sciences Center)
Student Groups/Clubs
The Barbell Club at UVA
Gym community for weightlifting, powerlifting, and bodybuilding at UVA
Changing Health Attitudes & Actions to Recreate Girls (CHAARG)
UVA chapter of health + fitness community on 115+ college campuses with a mission “to liberate people from the elliptical + show them that fitness can [+ should!] be fun by trying new workouts every week”
Greens to Grounds
Seeks to provide UVA students, faculty, and staff access to fresh, seasonal, and local food while supporting local farmers and artisans
Student organization with a mission “to foster a higher degree of mindfulness and healthy living in the UVA community, one breath at a time”
Morven Kitchen Garden
“Where UVA students learn, lead, and connect through sustainably growing food”
Outdoors at UVA
Student and community-member organization enjoys outdoor activities “while promoting safety and environmental preservation, giving back and developing leadership skills”
Student organization bringing “mindfulness and movement to the UVA community”
Mentorships/Public Service
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Team (ADAPT)
“Peer educator group that serves as a resource and keeps students on Grounds informed and aware of their decisions while out with friends”
Peer Health Educators
Mentors who “empower their peers to practice holistic health and well-being in a positive, supportive, interactive, and nonjudgmental manner